Thursday 10 May 2012

Back again.

Here we are back in the States and on the road. I guess the reason for my slight delay in posting this is because I've been indulging in our first couple of days off. So far, the only performance of note has been a short acoustic set on The Rachael Ray Show which will air on the 16th (apologies but not sure about the time or channel!).
Last night our sound man Theuns decided to take on a Pha'al curry at The Brick Lane Curry House and with much amusement we watched him on his frankly valiant, but unsuccessful quest to finish 'The hottest curry in the world'. We all sampled the sauce and there can be no doubt that the man was in for an ordeal; he probably still is now...
For me, today brings a trip out to the North Fork of Long Island to visit my Grandma and share stories and look at no doubt more embarrassing pictures of me and my Dad.
Not much more to say now other than New York is now spattered with verdant green and is as joyous as ever. Of course, being at leisure here and staying in an amazing hotel contributes to my somewhat idyllic, rose-tinted view but I'm happy to forego reality for a while and live a dream...



  2. Had a Phaal experience w Eamon several years back, the classic "bring me the hottest thing on the menu" nonsense. The waiters came out to watch me, so of course I had to represent. It actually felt like I was having a heart attack. Props to Theuns, bonne chance à Montréal!
